Monday, June 14, 2010

My Trip to DC

Todays journey: I am very overweight. The number, well, I just can't seem to get myself to put it in this blog. Maybe later. I feel very overwhelmed by the digits that haunt me. The person I see in the mirror isn't how I feel I look. I started a heart health program and they told me that everything in my life is borderline. That if I lose weight I will not be at risk for a lot of things that are attributed to weight problems such as diabetes, blood pressure issues etc... When they said that, it spurned a whole other issue: PANIC. Oh no, I have to lose weight, I have to exercise, it has to be done now. Yikes!!! Then comes the falling off the wagon, or in my case, hate the wagon and want something else to be my problem. Why couldn't I have trouble putting on weight? A truly legit issue but boy it would be good to put something in my mouth that won't be riddled with questions "how many calories, serving size, is this going to clog my arteries, how much exercise do I need to counteract these calories...." or guilt. They are endless. I pray and ask God for His help. He gives me great encouragement to hang on. Although I will fail a lot in this journey, I can stand up again and again and again...until I finally reach this goal. To be able to fit into those clothes that I bought and kept in my closet for 12 years. My wedding dress again or even a bathing suit. I'm not picky. So the journey begins today........ will I be victorious....we will see tomorrow!

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